Your tailored AI assistant for everyday tasks

PromptSpeak converts voice notes into text and images!
Your words powered by Available in English and German.


Trained for content marketing, academic notes taking and more

Streamline your tasks, elevate your social media posts

Brainstorm, take and crystalize your thoughts with PromptSpeak.

Animal Images
Describe with your words what kind of animal image you want
Content creation. Tell your story and let the app craft the perfect post for any occasion.
Email Writer
Tell the app the purpose of your email and let it write the perfect email for you.
Thought Clarifier
Speak your mind and let the app organize your thoughts into coherent sentences.
Email Replier
Don't have time to type? PromptSpeak will craft a reply for you.
Notes Taker
Take notes during meetings and let the app organize them into a coherent summary.



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1000 Credits



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100 Credits



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  • iOS and MacOS Apps
  • Human Contact Support

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Frequently Asked Question

What is PromptSpeak?PromptSpeak is an innovative iOS and MacOS app that provides AI-enhanced chatrooms, offering users the ability to craft, refine, and enhance written communication across various formats with the help of specialized AI bots.
How does PromptSpeak work?The app features pre-prompted chatrooms where users interact with AI bots designed for specific tasks like drafting social media posts, composing emails, or organizing notes. The AI suggests edits and improvements in real time to enhance your content.
Who can benefit from using PromptSpeak?Anyone looking to improve their written communication can benefit from PromptSpeak — from students and professionals drafting emails to influencers creating social media content and individuals seeking to articulate their thoughts more clearly.
Is PromptSpeak available in multiple languages?Yes, currently PromptSpeak supports both English and German, providing versatile assistance for a broader user base.
What kind of images can PromptSpeak create?For now only animal images, but we are creating more image features.
Can PromptSpeak help me with academic note-taking?Absolutely. Our 'Notes Taker' bot specializes in structuring spoken information into organized, book-like notes with clear chapters and key information highlights.
What makes PromptSpeak different from other writing tools?PromptSpeak is unique in its use of specialized AI bots that not only assist with initial writing tasks but also provide iterative enhancements and suggestions, improving your content as you go.
Is my data secure when using PromptSpeak?Yes, data security is a priority for us. We use encryption and robust security measures to ensure your information is protected and private.
How can I get started with PromptSpeak?Simply download the app from the iOS App Store or MacOS App Store, choose your AI bot, and begin creating content with AI-powered assistance immediately.